Swelling and Varicose Veins

Swelling can be associated with several medical issues and it’s not always thought of as a sign of varicose veins, but those experiencing leg pain and swelling will be surprised at what relief they can receive by having their varicose veins treated. Varicose veins occur when the valves in the veins fail to prevent blood from flowing backward, causing it to pool in the affected veins. This pooling of blood increases pressure within the veins leading to swelling in the legs. This is also known as venous insufficiency. 

Swelling caused by varicose veins can be a bothersome and sometimes debilitating condition, but effective treatment options are available. By understanding the underlying causes and symptoms of varicose veins, Tepas Vein Center can personalize a treatment plan to address the symptoms associated with varicose veins.  

patient talking to robot
swelling and spider veins on foot
black woman with leg swelling

What causes Swelling?

Weakened valves in your veins fail to keep the blood from flowing backwards and as a results pools around your legs, ankles, and feel causing swelling. Due to pain, some have reduced mobility which can lead to increased swelling as the limited movement can impair the body's ability to circulate the blood leading to even more swelling.

doctor and tech performing procedure

How is Leg Swelling Treated?

At Tepas Vein Center there are several treatment options we offer. All treatments are performed in the office and are minimally invasive. We offer medical-grade compression stockings, Cosmetic Lasers, Varithenia®, VenaSeal™, and ClosureFast™ Radio Frequency Ablations. You will meet with our team of board-certified surgeons and nurse practitioners to determine which treatment is best to meet your needs and provide the best possible outcome.

Insurance Coverage
filling out insurance forms

Will Insurance Cover Treatment?

TWe accept most major insurance and most plans will cover varicose vein treatments. Because insurance plans, coverages, and deductibles are different, we advise you to call your insurance company and discuss what benefits are available to you for the treatment of varicose veins. Typically you will pay your standard specialist co-pay for your consultation.  You will likely have an appointment for ultrasound testing and then a separate follow-up appointment to discuss the results of the testing. During your follow up the provider will determine the best course of action to schedule you for one of our treatment options. Before the actual treatment, we will work with your insurance company to determine any out-of-pocket or co-pay expense that you will be responsible for.

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