Ready to Schedule Online?
Are you ready to take your next steps pain free and want to make an appointment with Tepas Vein Center?
No need to wait any longer for relief for your leg pain and varicose vein symptoms. You can request a Varicose Vein Consultation with Dr. Imami through our online portal. Please note that all scheduling is centralized through our partnership with Tepas Healthcare.
If you need assistance feel free to call 321-312-4188 to make your appointment by phone or follow the instructions below for easy steps to creating your appointment.
What to Bring
Current Health Insurance Card
Driver’s License
Copies of your medical records
Copies of or original X-rays, CT scans, MRI scans, mammograms, or ultrasounds

New Patients
If possible, please bring with you our completed New Patient Questionnaire.

When to Arrive
If this is your first office visit, please arrive 20 minutes before your scheduled appointment to complete our registration and medical form. If you are an established patient, please arrive 10 minutes before your scheduled appointment.

General Instructions
Please ensure that all pertinent medical records have been forwarded to us by your referring physician or bring these documents with you to the appointment.
If you have previous x-rays or scans (preferred on CD) of the area to study, bring them with you to your appointment. When coming for testing, take your usual medication with the minimum necessary water, unless instructed otherwise.